Carson vs. Coburn-OK Senate
I'm enjoying the Oklahoma Senate race. However, I think Carson is playing a bit soft. If I was running against an OB/GYN who says that doctors who perform abortions should be put to death, I would make the race all abortion, all the time.
First, I would make sure the media asks Coburn whether he has performed any abortions.
Then depending on how he answers I:
a) Would run ads on Country and/or Christian stations that feature babies crying that play up his hipocrisy on this issue, thus driving up his negatives with evangelicals.
b) would call his character into question for not knowing how to perform a life saving procedure that he should know as an OB/GYN
I realize that this is equivalent to going thermonuclear and it's extremely cynical, but if Democrats ever want to win again, you have to use the inflamed passions of rank and file Republicans against them. Is it crass? yes. But is it any more crass than Karl Rove saying "Democrats are against a prescription drug benefit"?