Saturday, January 27, 2007

More songs

I just about know one more song:
Ain't Goin' Down till the Sun Comes Up

I know the right hand part for the following two songs:
Stay (Lisa Loeb must have huge hands)
Let Her Cry

And I know the main chorus part for Ring of Fire.

For those keeping score at home, here is the distribution of songs I'm learning:

Garth 1
Lisa Loeb (I've got a crush on her c'mon) 1
Hootie 1
Johnny Cash 2
Smoky (though I'm arranging it Soul Asylum style) 1

Late Night Shots

If any of my cousins from D.C. are in Late Night Shots, I'll just ask "Could't you find a white hood instead?" Seriously I'd be a little disappointed (still waiting for that invitation guys, heh).

Am I...

...that guy who looks like that guy? I had a woman say I looked like Forrest Gump (but she added that was her favorite movie). Another woman a couple days back said that I looked like that guy from My Name is Earl (Randy, not Earl). Another person said I looked like Nicholson in the Shinning (I don't want to get sued).

Or it could be that women are trying to pick me up: a running tab of the unsolicited complements I've heard:

"Nice Look"
"If I wasn't with someone..."
"You're very handsome"
A woman started pulling my beard.

Mirroring a post on Wonkette (I'm not making this up). A woman used my leg as a scratching post (I stood there in horror but she was kinda cute).

Friday, January 26, 2007

Open Thread

Since there is only so much that one can make fun of Wonkette/Ana Marie Cox.

Late Night Shots

I read about Late Night Shots from that very respected--heh--D.C. News source. It sounds like the end of Western Civilization to me. Why are people morons? And more importantly, where's my invite--heh?

Since there is no comparable organization in Phx/Tempe, I'm inventing one Late Night Sta-Pull. If you would like to join sound off and I will decide if you are "worthy".

Seriously, Late Night Shots sounds like the clan for young people who like #$%^ @#$* (If you can't figure out what that means, go read Wonkette right now and be amazed that there are people more shallow than you --whoever you are).