Thursday, September 30, 2004

Debate prediction

I think that it is unavoidable that Bush will be judged the winner of tomorrow's (today's?) debate. State TV will judge our glorious leader the well deserved winner of the debate against that mighty goliath John Kerry.

At any rate, I think that this is going to largely square with public sentiment and Bush will get a 2-3% bump which would make any competent DNC leader consider pulling Kerry's funding and putting it into Senate races. The general assumption that the DNC should make is that Bush will win. Democrats need to do better in the Senate than the -4 seat change that I'm currently predicting. The last thing we need is an unaccountable Bush with a Congress that will be a rubber stamp.

It's time for Democrats to admit that the Kerry experiment has been a colossal failure and that the Dems' foray into strategic voting blew up in their faces.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

What? Do I have "flirt with me" tatooed on my forehead?

In the past three days:
a) I have been approached by a woman who thinks I know everything about Quantum Mechanics.
b) On the bus, a woman asked me what my major was after I told her I was a grad student. I said "LPS" then she told me she was an English major. I made a couple jokes about literary theory and then I said the following:
"There's big money in professional philosophy, I think I could go in the first round".
She started cracking up.

This is what I should have added to that sentence: "But my mother and my coach want me to stay in school and get an education". Sorry, that was a blatant Sorkin rip off.

But what is causing attractive women to gratuitously flirt with me? Is it open season on Stopple?

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Useless fact

The first use of the suffix -iac for a political supporter (e.g. Deaniac) was not first used in this political campaign. The first use was between 1863 and 1869 for the Maine House member (and future Speaker) James G. Blaine of Maine. His followers called themselves Blainiacs.