Kerry (Seth Myers) "The fact is that I have consistently supported the war in front of pro-war audiences and condemned the war while speaking to groups that oppose it. That is not flip flopping, that is pandering and Americans deserve a president that knows the difference. grade: A
Monologue-Wow! Affleck really is like Alec Baldwin. grade: B+
Dr. Porkenheimer's "In the rare case an erection should last more than 24 hours, call a friend and brag about it." grade: A-
Debbie Downer: Why? grade: D-
Swift Boat Veterans: A Classic grade: A+
Weekend update: Chemistry stinks. Why Poehler? Nice Gandolfini and Affleck. grade: B-
Mall: grade: B
Kerry suite- Carville: "Serendipitous? John you use too many words. Don't get too excited now, you beat George Bush in a talking contest. That's like Wilt Chamberlin playing Basketball against Stephen Hawking and beating him by 2 points. The man can't talk John.
Clinton: "Campaign? That's not why I'm here. I'm in Florida 'cause these hurricanes have put a lot of these trailer park ladies on the street."
Grade: B+
Wedding. Heh. grade: B/B+
Kitty Kelly. Where's the joke? grade: D-
Overall: The pace picked up without Fallon and the new W. rocks. Debbie Downer is overrated and the jokes are hit and miss but it is so much better than last year.
Grade B+