Monday, April 17, 2006

My shyness

My shyness seems to be completely gone. There's something about recognizing the contingency of life that makes one immune to social sanctions (like being ostracized etc.) This in turn makes one more willing to take goofy risks socially (ask me about my 2 stories about being shot down).

Congressional Predictions-2006

Senate: + 2 (PN and MT) Dem. I have a feeling repubs hold MO and RI (?). A MN pickup for R will offset any further losses.

House:+5-10 Dem. It is a sad day when the Senate is the people's body and the House is resistant to change. I am predicting a net change for Dems of less than 2.5 percent of the House. A massively unpopular president coupled with charges of corruption in the House would have caused a turbulent change back in the 1800s. Now it causes barely a blip despite the generic ballot being favored by 15-20 pts.

What I'm up to

So I've been teaching Intro to Philosophy as well as bumming around the Greater Phoenix Area. Any Carleton folks out there be sure to say "hi". I also missed the reunion hockey game. :(

Stop stop relaunched

Hey everybody, I'm back. I've moved from Santa Ana CA (home of D. Rohrabacher's Congressional seat) to Tempe AZ (J.D. Hayworth's seat). Somehow I get the impression that no matter where I move, there is a wingnut.